Women scarves, Eco friendly living, Ladies silk scarves, Women’s neck scarves, Designer Scarves

Artist Statement
One can think that they have seen the same landscape over and over however, a single cloud in the sky can affect the refraction of light and give birth to a new realm of colors. When sunlight is refracted, colors emerge into small geometric shapes like a kaleidoscope. Unique perspectives of the same landscape can be created by observing how the light changes according to the season and time of day. The same happens with life, a single event can significantly impact so many other facets leading to an almost kaleidoscopic range of various points of view. The way we choose to perceive things can make a situation feel better or worse. Sometimes beauty is in everything that surrounds us, but we need to shift our mindsets by looking at the bigger picture of the new landscape in order to appreciate it.
I go out on nature walks several times a week, it is something that brings me peace and tranquility. The imagery of plants, colors, lines, and textures serve as an endless source of inspiration for my art.